Technology Support when you need it most
Help Desk support is available 24/7/365, including weekends and holidays, to help your organization’s users with their IT support needs. When one of your IT users has a question or needs help with a program or device, they will have immediate access to technical support from Powers Group engineers.
24/7 - Availability, 365 days a year
Problems with technology can arise anywhere at any time. When one of your IT users has a question or needs help with a program or IT device, they’ll have immediate access to technical support regardless of whether it is day or night. Power Group IT Help Desk support is available 24/7, including weekends and holidays, to help your organization’s users with their IT support needs.
When users call our help desk, they can be sure to have their needs understood and addressed promptly. We are able to do this because our help desk is staffed in the United States by Powers Group engineers who are held to the same standards as our engineers visiting your business site.